On installation, Windows Server 2003 creates a scheduled backup of the DHCP database and transaction logs every 60 minutes. A “backup on shutdown” option may also be enabled on all DHCP servers. These two features make a backup copy of the Dhcp.mdb database, the transaction J*.log files, and registry configuration in DhcpCfg.
In the event of a failure, the order of restore from backup should be the latest 60 minute backup, then the daily backup on external storage, and - worst case - the weekly full system.
The longer the interval between the last backup and a failure, the less likely a suitable restore can be done. This automated backup should be checked to ensure that a fresh copy is made on a regular basis.
netsh dhcp server \\<servername> show dbproperties
DatabaseBackupInterval defaults to 60
DatabaseBackupPath defaults to C:\Windows\System32\dhcp\backup
dir %systemroot%\System32\dhcp\backup
dir %systemroot%\System32\dhcp\backup\new
Technology Required
Base DHCP Windows Server 2003