DHCP, Task: Service check-check DHCP authorization status

Task: Service check-check DHCP authorization status in DHCP Operations Guide

Task: Service check - check DHCP authorization status


During service restart, reboot, system changes, errors, or recovery, the authorization status may be reset and the DHCP server may no longer be authorized to dispense information. This quick daily check ensures that appropriate servers have authorization within Active Directory.

Procedure 1: Check/set authorization via MMC

In order for DHCP services to run in a domain, they must be authorized. Accept default settings when no information is specified.

  1. Start the DHCP Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in on the DHCP server as a user with DHCP administrative authority.
  2. Right-click DHCP and select Manage authorized servers.
  3. In the Wizard Page, perform the following actions:
    In Manage Authorized Servers:
    ● Click Authorize.
    In Authorize DHCP server:
    ● In the name or IP address box, type the IP of the DHCP Server. Authorize the virtual server IP address for the cluster, and click OK.
    In DHCP:
    ● Confirm information and click Yes if correct.



Technology Required

Base DHCP Windows Server 2003