Using DHCP, almost any host with physical access to the network will get an IP address and other host configuration. This task captures the minimum key information to identify a client’s advertised hostname, assigned hostIP, and MAC address at the time of DHCP request, release, and renewal.
net use \\Repository_hostname\sharename
net use \\DHCP_Server_hostname\dhcpdir
(For “dhcpdir”, Make sure that dhcpdir is either a remotely accessible share or replace this with the local directory path (the default is c:\windows\system32\dhcp)
findstr “Rlease Update Assign” \\DHCP_Server_hostname\dhcpdir\DHCPSrvLog-WED.log >> \\Repository_hostname\sharename\DHCP-Client_May2003.log
(Replace “WED” with the current day of the week and replace May 2003 to the current month and year.)
net use \\Repository_hostname\sharename /delete
net use \\DHCP_Server_hostname\dhcpdir /delete
Technology Required
Base DHCP Windows Server 2003