A component of Microsoft Exchange Server that enables message transfer and directory synchronization between Exchange Server and Lotus cc:Mail systems. Lotus cc:Mail uses a shared-file messaging architecture similar to that of Microsoft Mail. The Connector for Lotus cc:Mail is implemented as a Microsoft Windows NT service on Exchange Server and supports:
The Connector for Lotus cc:Mail can be used to provide connectivity with database versions 6 or 8 cc:Mail postoffices.
Only one Connector for Lotus cc:Mail can be installed on a given computer running Exchange Server, and that connector can connect to only one cc:Mail postoffice.
However, multiple computers running Exchange Server can each have a cc:Mail connector installed in order to connect to multiple postoffices throughout a cc:Mail messaging system. The Lotus cc:Mail programs export.exe and import.exe must be installed on the computer running Exchange Server for connectivity to be established.